有了专业的指导,曲婉婷在创作上更是游刃有余,至今为止,她已创作了40多首歌曲。让业内惊讶的是,就在前段时间,曲婉婷创作的《Everything In The World》、《Life is Like a Song》《jar of love》中文歌《我的歌声里》被奔驰公司选中,和其他歌手的歌放到一张CD上,发行了5万张。如今在奔驰的车里、网站,各种汽车报刊杂志的随赠CD中,都可以听到曲婉婷的歌曲。其中,《Everything In The World》传唱度非常高,记者在网上看到,短短3天时间里,歌曲小样在网上的点击率就达到了3万多。 回国后: 张亚东为她鼓掌留言 作为公司签约的第一个华人女歌手,公司给曲婉婷的定位是亚洲市场、北美市场一起闯。今年开始,曲婉婷也频频跟国内的音乐人接触,其中让她印象最深的是国内著名音乐人张亚东。 曲婉婷表示:“公司安排我在北京见张亚东的时候,我都不知道他是谁。在现场,我给他唱了两首我的歌,第一首是我自己创作的《drench》,唱的过程中,他一直在我身边站着。唱完后,他突然往后退了两步,我正纳闷呢,他突然使劲鼓起掌来,他的助理和楼下的工作人员也都鼓起掌来。后来,他又让我唱了一首中文歌《我的歌声里》,他再次鼓掌叫好,说我唱歌的这种感觉他很喜欢。要离开时,他跟我说,希望有机会能听到更多我创作的歌曲,也相信我在国内会有很大的发展,下半年我们之间有可能会有合作。他还送了我一堆由他制作的唱片,并在上面留言:“to婉婷:写好歌温暖我们,亚东。” 下一步: 计划举办世界巡演 曲婉婷的QQ个人签名一栏写的是“梦想正在一步步实现”。如今,她每天都在忙着创作、演出,“过段时间,我会挑选出10多首歌曲,出我的第二张专辑,虽然很忙很累,但我一点儿都不抱怨,因为我的梦想正在一步步实现。还有我想说的是,我希望我的歌可以带给听众一些思考或是一点感动,即使只有一个人喜欢我的作品,我都是快乐的。”曲婉婷透露,近期她将到纽约等地录制歌曲,她的世界巡演也正在计划中,其中北京、上海等地的一些公司已向她发出邀请,希望承办她在国内的第一场演唱会。接下来,曲婉婷还计划到纽约的一些音乐学校去看一看,体验一下不同的音乐氛围……
how many times you asked yourself before
what's the point
wasting time
but how many times you stand up for yourself
make a point
you have a reason
you know
it's not fair
your life
belongs to nobody else
so don't tell me there is nobody you want to hold
you know you messed up but nobody can live alone
so don't tell me there is nothing left in this world
just open your eyes
you got everything in the world
how many times you want to give up yourself
once again
there's no point
but how many times you kept on moving on
once again
you have a reason
you know
it's not fair
your life
belongs to nobody else
so don't tell me there is nobody you want to hold
you know you messed up but nobody can live alone
so don't tell me there is nothing left in this world
just open your eyes
you got everything in the world
does it make you wonder?
is it karma or is it fate
is it you
or is it me
oh does it really make you falter
does it make you want to believe?
it is true
you're like nobody else
so don't tell me there is nobody you want to hold
you know you messed up but nobody can live alone
so don't tell me there is nothing left in this world
just open your eyes
you got everything in the world
just open your eyes
you got everything in the world
i open my eyes
i have you in my world 作者: jbaasd 时间: 2011-9-15 13:33